/content/folder[@name='Samples']/folder[@name='Cubes']/package[@name='Sales and Marketing (cube)']/model[@name='2008-07-25T15:28:38.072Z'] [sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Month][sales_and_marketing].[Products].[Products].[Product][sales_and_marketing].[Measures].[Revenue][sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Year][sales_and_marketing].[Products].[Products].[Product line][sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Quarter][sales_and_marketing].[Products].[Products].[Product type] [sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Year] = ?Year? [sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time].[Year] <script> var paulScripts = {} , win=window['oCV'+'_THIS_']; paulScripts.oCV = win.getRV().getCV(); /* paulScripts.freezeContainer * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * in: objectName {string - name of the data container} * This will find the crosstab or list, based on the object name, and unfreeze the columns and rows. */ paulScripts.freezeContainer = function(objectName){ var pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); pFMngr.freezeContainer(objectName,true,true); window.onResizeViewerEvent() }; /* paulScripts.unfreezeContainer * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * in: objectName {string - name of the data container} * This will find the crosstab or list, based on the object name, and unfreeze the columns and rows. */ paulScripts.unfreezeContainer = function(objectName){ var pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); pFMngr.freezeContainer(objectName,false,false); }; /* paulScripts.freezeAll * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * in: type {string - crosstab or list} * This wil loop through every "type" on the page, freezing columns and rows */ paulScripts.freezeAll = function(type){ var xts = win._getContainers(type) , xtLen = xts.length , pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); for(var i =0;i<xtLen;++i){ var lid = pFMngr.removeNamespace(xts[i].getAttribute('lid')); if(pFMngr.hasFrozenColumnHeadings(lid)) continue; paulScripts.freezeContainer (lid); } }; /* paulScripts.unfreezeAll * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * in: type {string - crosstab or list} * This wil loop through every "type" on the page, unfreezing columns and rows */ paulScripts.unfreezeAll = function(type){ var xts = win._getContainers(type) , xtLen = xts.length , pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); for(var i =0;i<xtLen;++i){ var lid = pFMngr.removeNamespace(xts[i].getAttribute('lid')); paulScripts.unfreezeContainer (lid); } }; /* paulScripts.toggleContainer * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * This wil check if a container has frozen headers. If so, it unfreezes it, if not, it freezes the container. */ paulScripts.toggleContainer = function(objectName) { var pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); if(pFMngr.hasFrozenColumnHeadings(objectName)) { paulScripts.unfreezeContainer (objectName); } else { paulScripts.freezeContainer (objectName); window.onResizeViewerEvent() } } /* paulScripts.toggleAll * Paul Mendelson - 2014-03-25 * in: type {string - crosstab or list} * This wil loop through every "type" on the page, and freezing or unfreezing, depending if the column header is frozen. */ paulScripts.toggleAll = function(type) { setTimeout(function(){ var xts = win._getContainers(type) , xtLen = xts.length , pFMngr = paulScripts.oCV.getPinFreezeManager(); for(var i =0;i<xtLen;++i){ var lid = pFMngr.removeNamespace(xts[i].getAttribute('lid')); if(i<xtLen-1 && lid==pFMngr.removeNamespace(xts[i+1].getAttribute('lid'))) continue; //when the panes are frozen the crosstab is split into four elements, all with the same lid. Without this hack, the xtab would toggle four times! if(pFMngr.hasFrozenColumnHeadings(lid)) { paulScripts.unfreezeContainer(lid); } else { paulScripts.freezeContainer(lid); window.onResizeViewerEvent() } } } ,200); } paulScripts.freezeAll('crosstab'); </script> <input type="button" onclick="paulScripts.toggleAll('crosstab');paulScripts.toggleAll('list');" value="Toggle"/>
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freeze panes