Token prompts are an extremely powerful macro. They allow authors to create extremely efficient code that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to make.
The following examples will all be based on the Great Outdoor Sales (cube) package.
A simple example would be a static prompt that would allow the user to see a list the top or bottom products by revenue. Without a token prompt you might be tempted to use the following expression:
case #prompt('TopOrBottom','string',sq('top'))#
when 'top' then topCount([great_outdoor_sales_en].[Products].[Products].[Product],5,[great_outdoor_sales_en].[Measures].[Revenue])
when 'bottom' then bottomCount([great_outdoor_sales_en].[Products].[Products].[Product],5,[great_outdoor_sales_en].[Measures].[Revenue])
The problem with that is that it simply doesn’t work. You could also try to make a conditional block, but that would make the report needlessly complex.
Instead you could use a token prompt:
When the macro resolves the function will be either topCount or bottomCount.