Quickie – Dynamic select and search size

Generally the select box of the Select and Search prompt is wide enough to display all the information you need. But there are times where you need it to show everything.

Is the first option there Chaun Yang Sport Equipment Company? Org? IBM does have a way to fix this issue, but it involves modifying one of the internals, specifically the webcontentpromptingproperties.js file. In several of my clients, modifying any internal files is expressly forbidden. So I’ve written a quick and somewhat dirty javascript to handle it.

Drag an HTML item to the left of the prompt:

<div id="selectSearch">

Drag an HTML item to the right of the prompt:

  var e=document.getElementById('selectSearch');
  var myselect = e.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];

This code will find the selectSearch div you wrapped the prompt with, find all of the select tags, and if there are any options the select will expand or shrink to fit.

And finally, as usual (when I remember) the report XML:

<report xmlns="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/8.0/" useStyleVersion="10" expressionLocale="en-us">
				<modelPath>/content/folder[@name='Samples']/folder[@name='Models']/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse (query)']/model[@name='model']</modelPath>
				<drillBehavior modelBasedDrillThru="true"/>
							<page name="Page1">
										<defaultStyle refStyle="pg"/>
											<defaultStyle refStyle="pb"/>
				<staticValue>&lt;div id="selectSearch"&gt;</staticValue>
		</HTMLItem><selectWithSearch parameter="Parameter1" refQuery="Query1"><useItem refDataItem="Retailer"/></selectWithSearch><HTMLItem>
  var e=document.getElementById('selectSearch');
  var myselect = e.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
			<XMLAttributes><XMLAttribute name="RS_CreateExtendedDataItems" value="false" output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="listSeparator" value="," output="no"/><XMLAttribute name="RS_modelModificationTime" value="2011-06-09T13:50:33.233Z" output="no"/></XMLAttributes><queries><query name="Query1"><source><model/></source><selection><dataItem name="Retailer" aggregate="none"><expression>[Sales (query)].[Retailers].[Retailer]</expression></dataItem></selection></query></queries></report>

The XML is for Cognos 10, but this code was tested successfully on all the flavors of Cognos 8.4.