There are many times when users want dynamic lists. They may want to be able to control which columns are visible at runtime. And while this is all functionality provided by Query Studio, the users may demand a more structured environment.
The most basic solution is to use token prompts. Have a list which contains as many columns as you have fields, an equal amount of checkbox prompts with the use as the field reference, an equal amount of render variables, and you have a report in which the user can check every field he wants to see.
For example:
The column: #promptmany(‘renderYear’,’token’,sq(‘Not Rendered’))#
Value Prompt: optional, multiselect, Static Choice use=[Business Layer].[Time].[Year], display=Year
Render Variable: paramValue(‘renderYear’) is not null
Personally I’m not a big fan of that solution. When using one prompt, column, and variable per field, building the report can be a nightmare. Dozens, if not hundreds, of fields can make the report simply too big to open. The user would also be unable to control the order of the fields.
Instead, let’s build a prompt in which the user can select the fields he wants to see, and choose their order.
This consists of three separate prompts. The prompt on the left contains the static choices for the columns. The right is an empty value prompt. There is also a hidden prompt that contains the currently select choices.
When the report first opens, the user can select the desired. Pressing the Add Fields button will move the option from one side to the other. The vertical move buttons behave as expected. When the finish button is selected, the JS will loop through the selected fields prompt, copying the values to the hidden prompt. This will allow us to automatically reselect the same fields after the page has been refreshed. The JS will then loop through again, appending the use value with the row number. So the first value selected might look like [Business Layer].[Time].[Year]|0|, and the second as [Business Layer].[Retailers].[Country]|1|.
By appending the Row ID, we are salting the fields with a value we can grep inside the query. Consider the following macro:
This retrieves all of the selected fields, splitting them into an array. It will grep (or search) for any array elements containing “|0|”. Once it finds the value, it converts it back into a fragment with join. A render variable can be set on the column with the expression, ” ParamValue(‘SelectedFields_Attributes’) contains ‘|0|'”.
By doing this, we can arbitrarily limit the number of fields visible in the report, while still giving the flexibility to select whichever fields the user wants. The dynamic nature of the solution will ensure that the size of the report is kept to a minimum, and updating the report will be a simple matter of adding the desired field to the list.
The attached report is using 10.2.1. It’s actually not using the Prompt API, so this technique should work in any version since 8.4.
Selecting-Fields.txt (920 downloads)
Paul, another great example of making a report design benefit the user and not the builder of the report although the technique does work for the builder as well. I can see my users taking advantage of this design. Thank you for sharing this technique. BTW have you found a new position out in the BI wild. Hope you’ll still be able share your special skills with us less fortunate.
Hey Scott. I try to make things as easy for the developer as I can, but in general it’s the user who ultimately uses the report. If a little sweat from the report builder means a better user experience, then so be it. There are a few ways to make things easier though.
I developed something similar to this a few years ago, we had a table with the all of the available fields, based on who was logged in. The table was used to feed prompts for the categories and series of the graph, and to populate filters. The non-technical users loved it, and once they were trained on how to build report views and schedules, they never turned back.
I haven’t signed with anyone yet. My goal for IBM Insight this year is to come to the conference with a huge stack of resumes, and leave with a signed contract in hand.
Hello Paul,
ty very much, nice little post. I really appreciate your Blog, its pretty awesome!
have a nice weekend 🙂
Thanks Paul, it’s a brilliant blog post. Is there any plan to provide Cognos Analytics 11 sample?
Yes! I have the install files, but I’ve been slammed at work lately (for the past 8 months). Eventually I will get to it!
Hi Paul, I have Cognos10.2.1 . My user wants to have Cognos prompt wildcard with the same feature as when you typing in Google like you can see that drop down list right away depending of what you put in. My solution was “Select and Search” prompt, but is it any way that would do the same as when you searching on google it gives you dropdown list right away.
Hi Paul, I have been using this in Cognos 10.2.1 and it works great and user love it so thank you for sharing this method. Question, we are planning to upgrade to Cognos Analytics and I am trying to get your report to work in the trial version that is available in Analytics Zone. I get the following error:
HTML report output is not well formed. If your report uses “HTML Item” elements ensure that they result in well-formed HTML.
Reason:XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
for(var j=0;j<array.length;++j)
Hello Eric,
Were you able to fix this?
Hi Ertic,
Did you ever find a solution for this?
Paul – I can confirm this doesn’t work in C11.