As you may have already discovered, I have moved domains! Update your links, inform your friends! With WordPress’ help, I was able to migrate all of the email subscribers. Unfortunately the WordPress subscribers were not migrated. I’ll just continue on without them and hope they notice.
As part of the change, I’ll be able to upload a file containing report samples instead of embedding the XML directly into the post. As report XML can be somewhat large, this will make the posts a bit easier to load.
Eventually, some day, I will add a “Samples” page showing examples of some of the work I’ve done for my clients (with their permission of course).
Do you have any comments about the theme? Love it? Hate it? Did I miss anything or is something not working? Have suggestions for changes I can make to the site, or of possible things I could write about? Drop me a line on the contact page.
Great job, Paul! BTW if you know how to start job from browser’s command line ?
You can schedule the job with a trigger and call it using the trigger.bat command.
As Todd said, triggers would work. You can probably also set up a PHP or ASP page to invoke the triggers, using GET params to specify which trigger to invoke.
I’m talk about cognos’ job started by user from GUI developed in report studio
Paul, nice to see you still provide postings once in a while. I’m also following you on PMSquares newsletter. Thanks.
Completely and totally slammed lately. I used to write on the train while commuting to work, but I don’t have that luxury now.