Defining GMail as the SMTP Mail Server in Cognos Connection

In anticipation of some upcoming articles, I needed to set up an email provider. Because it’s so ubiquitous, and because I’m lazy, I’m going to use GMail as my SMTP server. Here’s what to do.

First, make sure you enable IMAP in the GMail settings. Click on the gear icon, settings, Forwarding and POP/IMAP, Enable IMAP, and Save Changes.

gmail settings

Now on GMail settings screen there a configuration instructions links for your applications, but for some reason Cognos isn’t listed. So here they are, in Cognos Configuration, open the Notification settings and set the following:

SMTP mail server:
Account and password: Google account credentials
Default Sender: your own email
SSL Encryption: True

cognos connection. Now remember, you should use YOUR email, not mine. Mine is reserved.

Restart Cognos.

Now let’s set up a quick report to test the email.
quick and dirty report in Query Studio. A true masterpiece. Also, did I really need to tell people to restart? That should be obvious, right?

And run it…

Cognos report run page. I'm actually taking these screenshots as I'm writing the article. Hope it works.

Fingers crossed…

It works! I was actually worried for a moment. How embarrassing would it be if it DIDN'T work? I would have had to scupper the entire article! And since I have so many planned, this would have been horrible.

Obviously this shouldn’t be used for a production environment. There are also a few Google set limitations, the biggest of which is a 99 email limit per day – so no crazy burst jobs. This is really good for a quick and dirty example.

If I find the time this year (no promises), I’ll be writing about setting up dynamic email subject lines, and different report outputs in a single email. Another article I’m planning is a combination of the data entry method and bursting.