Exposing Cognos content to the outside world

One of the greatest strengths of Cognos has always been the ease in which data can be managed, queried and presented. With a well designed data model, the barrier to building accurate reports is very low. For all of the fancy interactive features, neat tricks, and convoluted JavaScript techniques, the actual process of building a simple report to important information is very easy.

Now what happens if you want to build a portal to take that information and present it to end users. With a tool as complex and as extensible as Cognos, there are many ways of exposing Cognos to the world. What follows is a few, but Important Note! I am not factoring in licensing in this article. Licensing costs can often choose your solution for you. Letting the public use report studio will probably cost more than saving a report to PDF and manually attaching it to the website, but it’s ultimately down to your license agreement.

Schedule report runs to save to a folder. This is a simple idea. You build a report, schedule it to save to a folder, and run a process to upload it to your website. I’ve seen complex examples where a process scans the folder for new reports every few seconds and dynamically updates the website when it finds the output, to simple examples where the output report is dumped into an FTP site for people to download at their leasure.

Some sites simply expose Cognos directly to the internet granting visitors anonymous access. A simple google search will find you many examples of this. One example is The Office of Personel Management (https://www.fedscope.opm.gov/). Click on a data cube and you’ll find yourself using PowerPlay studio. No actual predefined reports to speak of here, but people who use it are probably more interested in using the slice and dice capabilities provided. The benefit here is obvious. It’s Cognos, pure and simple. All of the benefits, and drawbacks, of using Cognos are here.
FEDSCOPE allows anonymous users to use PowerPlay to research their data. Seriously, who users PowerPlay anymore? The Feds!

iFrames. You might be a government organization presenting offering reports through a complicated series of generated iFrames, such as found at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Whan interactive dashboard is run (such as https://wisdom.dhhs.nh.gov/wisdom/#Topic_00FD0704951145F793A8C5424D352FBF_Anon), it loads several widgets talking to predefined reports. Each widget contains parameter information for Cognos to run and return the report, specifically for that widget. You could have one widget showing hospitalizations by day as a line graph, and another one showing fatalities by month; with both widgets pointing to the same report. This is a brilliant and extensible solution. It allows the dashboard developer to use the same reports multiple times. As each widget is an iFrame, the user has all of the capabilties in native Cognos. Drillthoughs, prompting, and any other feature report authors could put in. The drawback of this technique is that each widget does run a separate report, with all the overhead associated with it. If you anticipate a large audience, with thousands of hits an hour, this will cause system stability issues.
DHHS of New Hampshire has a pretty cool solution - each dashboard is a series of iframes that point to existing reports. URL params control what measures and dimensions appear, and those can be modified through prompts.

Mashup Services. I’ve been using Cognos Mashup Services (CMS) quite a bit lately. It’s an extension of the SDK that simplifies exposing Cognos reports as an API. There are many ways to use CMS to build your portal. A simple REST call and your pixel perfect reports, with graphs and formatting, can be returned in fully formed HTML and embedded directly in your webpage. The issue here is that all native Cognos interactivity is gone. No prompts, no drill downs. Any interactive features have to be built by default. But this may not necessarily be a bad thing. The Cognos outputs, while it can be coerced into looking nice, do not live up to modern web design standards. Features like sticky headers when scrolling down, or client side table sorting, or more info drawers or popovers, are difficult to build. By using CMS to generate your data in a compressed format, like JSON, you can merge the powerful querying engine with modern web design. Of course this is entirely predicated on you having web developers on your staff, or an application already set up to work with Cognos data. And speaking of which, I’ll revisit this one in the future.

So to summarize.
Scheduling a report – Simple, non-interactive, low cost. You need someone to set up the automation to get the output into the webpage, and then it’s fire and forget.
iFrames – Build the reports as normal, and use URL parameters to load it. As long as you have a report developer, this is the easiest solution. Some overhead on the server when running reports.
Mashup – medium to difficult. Any interactivity on the page needs to be coded in. Expertise will be needed to embed the output into the report. If you’re pulling HTML you can expect some unreasonably large results. Datset outputs, like JSON or ATOM, will need to have additional post processing.

Subscribing to Cognos Distribution Lists

A reader recently sent me an interesting challenge. They have a large set of reports that are run automatically and saved to the content store. Users may then log into Cognos and viewed the saved output. Now the users want to actually receive the reports in the email. Distribution lists were suggested, but nobody wants to maintain them. So how can we let the users themselves add or remove themselves from these distros, without having to open tickets for always overworked IT staff?

We can set up a stored procedure in the content store to add and remove users from a list. In order to prevent users from signing up to the wrong distro, we can create distro-specific reports with hardcoded values. A secondary benefit of doing it like this is we can ensure that only people who have access to that report can ever sign up.

First, a big WARNING.

This technique requires a connection to the content store. It involves creating two stored procedures that add and remove rows from content store tables. Some Cognos admins have intense aversions to connecting to the content store. While I have tested this technique on my laptop, I have not tested it on your server. I cannot be held responsible for any damage this technique causes, be it losing a distribution list or creating a world-eating blackhole inside the server or any other catastrophic disaster.

Now we can move on to how to implement it.

First, let’s take a look at a distribution list.

I have a grand total of 1 user on my laptop, and I never bothered setting up an auth provider, so I’m using the anonymous user for testing.

The information for this is stored in the content store in the CMREFNOORD2 and CMREFORD1 tables. CMREFORD1 contains the sorting information for the screen, and users won’t appear if they’re not in this table.

As you can see from the SQL, it’s a simple matter to get the table name or the user details. This means we could make a stored procedure similar to:

	@listName varchar(500)
	, @camid varchar(500)


	declare @listCMID integer;
	declare @userCMID integer;
	declare @maxSort integer;

--get the list ID	
select @listCMID = distName.cmid
from cmobjnames distName 
where distName.Name = @listName

--get the user ID
select @userCMID = users.CMID

--if there's any sorting, we need to know about it here.
select @maxSort = coalesce(max(CMREFORD1.ORD),0)+1 

	if @userCMID  not in (select refcmid from dbo.CMREFNOORD2 where cmid = @listCMID and refcmid = @userCMID)
	  VALUES (@listCMID, @userCMID) ;
	if @userCMID not in (select refcmid from dbo.CMREFORD1 where cmid = @listCMID and refcmid = @userCMID)
	  insert dbo.CMREFORD1 (propid, cmid, ord, refcmid)
	  values (27, @listCMID, @maxSort, @userCMID);
	SELECT @@ROWCOUNT as "rowCount"

Removing a user from the distro is even easier.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[removeCAMIDFromList]
	@listName varchar(500)
	, @camid varchar(500)
BEGIN tran

delete distMembers
	CMREFNOORD2 distMembers
	inner join cmobjnames distName on distName.CMID = distMembers.cmid
	inner join CMOBJPROPS1 users on distMembers.REFCMID = users.CMID
	and distName.NAME = @listName;

delete distMembers
	CMREFORD1 distMembers
	inner join cmobjnames distName on distName.CMID = distMembers.cmid
	inner join CMOBJPROPS1 users on distMembers.REFCMID = users.CMID
	and distName.NAME = @listName;

	SELECT @@ROWCOUNT as "rowCount";

We can now create a framework model to import them into Cognos. First, set up the datasource to the Content Store database.

Then, in framework, run the metadata wizard to import the two SPs.

In both cases, the parameters are the same, so use the following:
listName: #prompt('listName','token')#
camID: #substitute('"\)','',substitute('CAMID\("','',join('',CAMIDListForType('account'))))#

Let’s publish it!

With the package published, we can create the reports to add users to or remove users from the distros. With these two reports, it’s just a matter of adding a drillthrough to the “Add users” to the Cognos saved version, and a drillthrough to “Remove from distro” to the emailed version of the report. No need for drillthrough parameters or any JavaScript. As mentioned before, you can secure the Add Users report using standard Cognos security. This will ensure only those people who should be able to see the report are included in the distro list.

Attached in this post is the model.xml, and the two report XMLs.

Distro-lists.zip (1010 downloads)

Defining GMail as the SMTP Mail Server in Cognos Connection

In anticipation of some upcoming articles, I needed to set up an email provider. Because it’s so ubiquitous, and because I’m lazy, I’m going to use GMail as my SMTP server. Here’s what to do.

First, make sure you enable IMAP in the GMail settings. Click on the gear icon, settings, Forwarding and POP/IMAP, Enable IMAP, and Save Changes.

gmail settings

Now on GMail settings screen there a configuration instructions links for your applications, but for some reason Cognos isn’t listed. So here they are, in Cognos Configuration, open the Notification settings and set the following:

SMTP mail server: smpt.gmail.com:465
Account and password: Google account credentials
Default Sender: your own email
SSL Encryption: True

cognos connection. Now remember, you should use YOUR email, not mine. Mine is reserved.

Restart Cognos.

Now let’s set up a quick report to test the email.
quick and dirty report in Query Studio. A true masterpiece. Also, did I really need to tell people to restart? That should be obvious, right?

And run it…

Cognos report run page. I'm actually taking these screenshots as I'm writing the article. Hope it works.

Fingers crossed…

It works! I was actually worried for a moment. How embarrassing would it be if it DIDN'T work? I would have had to scupper the entire article! And since I have so many planned, this would have been horrible.

Obviously this shouldn’t be used for a production environment. There are also a few Google set limitations, the biggest of which is a 99 email limit per day – so no crazy burst jobs. This is really good for a quick and dirty example.

If I find the time this year (no promises), I’ll be writing about setting up dynamic email subject lines, and different report outputs in a single email. Another article I’m planning is a combination of the data entry method and bursting.